Vanishing Point

Artist: Thomas William Chantrell
Format: UK Quad (30"x 40")
Condition: Excellent
Year: 1971


Tom Chantrell provided another stunning piece of artwork here for the Quad for Richard C. Sarafian’s cult road movie “Vanishing Point”. Released in 1971, the film was essentially one long car chase involving a 1970 Dodge Challenger making its way from Colorado to San Francisco in 15 hours. Featuring great locations, terrific action and, of course, the cars, “Vanishing Point” has attained legacy status among motor-heads and cinema enthusiasts alike.

Hoping to make more than just an entertaining thrill ride, Sarafian also attempted to explore the post-Woodstock society in the American Southwest and the film’s ending and message have provoked debate. Fox studios didn’t have high hopes for it and there was little effort put into marketing. As such it was a failure critically and commercially. It would later establish itself as a favourite among the ‘drive-in’ theatres as well as achieving success on video release and becoming influential across pop-culture.

Chantrell’s Quad certainly highlights the film’s core selling points – cars, the Dodge Challenger featuring prominently, and action. The use of fiery colours brims with passion and lets you know that you’re in for an adrenaline-fuelled ride. Interestingly, Chantrell decided to ignore the film’s more psychedelic qualities, something that the US 1-Sheet takes full advantage of (see below courtesy of The ‘trippy’, experimental kaleidoscopic design contrasts with the serious, though arguably more striking Quad.

The design is very similar to that of Chantrell’s highly sought after B-Style Quad for “Bullitt” (see below courtesy of Using comparable layouts, colour schemes and explosive attention-to-detail, it’s no wonder why Chantrell was often hired for commissions such as this.